this is kelly

we believe in the universal

story of family love

Ivy and Teo

Behind The Camera

Photo Shooting

Photo Editing

Photo Exibition


Hi, I’m Kelly. I’m a motherhood, maternity, newborn, and family photographer based in Newcastle, NSW. I’m the mother of 5 children who are the loves of my life.

I grew up in country NSW, and I’m obsessed with peanut butter, sunshine, and the beach. I’m always on the hunt for new adventures and new stories to tell, and there’s no denying it. I’m completely wanderlust, and I will travel and explore this beautiful world at any chance I get.

I wish I had some cool story that my grandfather gave me an old Kodak camera when I was a kid, but I don’t. I just fell in love with photography when I became a mom, and I found myself immersed in photography as I watched my babies grow into independent young people. And let me tell you, NOTHING gets that time back as babies. I found myself wanting to savour every moment and wishing I could just press rewind on life. I became so passionate about wanting to document the journey of motherhood and families, and I want to capture all the moments in the journey of your beautiful life, because as moms, we are fearless and beautiful, and your story deserves to be told.